How To Get An Absurd Amount Of High Paying Clients As An Email Marketer.

December 15, 2023

This applies ONLY to:

- E-commerce Email Marketers

- Info product Email Marketers

- Course/Coaching Program Email Marketers

- Any other type of email marketer

If you are NOT one of the following, this information will not be as relevant to you.

Step 1: Set up cold email infrastructure

In this step, you're going to spend $348, and that is the majority of the setup cost of this entire system.

However, spending this $348 will enable you to send 1400 cold outreach emails and get you more clients than you can handle.

So is it worth it?



    1. setup an account

    2. get the "Popular" plan

  2. Go to Mailscale. (use this link so that you don't have to wait 2 weeks to register)

    1. buy 20 domains with your business name in it ($9 each)

    2. 2 accounts per domain

    3. forwarding to your landing page (must be optimized for cold outreach)

    4. Submit the for and in 24 hours you should receive a CSV file to upload into Smartlead.

  3. Set up the email accounts with an email signature, warmup settings, and email sending settings.

    1. 25-35 warmup emails a day

    2. 4 = daily ramup

    3. Enable Auto-adjust warmup/sending ratio

    4. 45% reply rate

    5. 30 messages per day (Warmups not included)

    6. 3 minimum time gap

Now, we have to warm up the emails for 2 weeks.

Step 2: Building a solid offer.

What is a solid offer and how do you build one?

  1. Glad you asked…

  2. Quantifiable result.

  3. Specific ICP

  4. Timeframe

  5. Unique Mechanism

  6. Risk-reversal

So, let's take a look at a well structured and logical offer.

We generate an extra 15% revenue for D2C e-commerce brands within 60 days using our ***** email strategy, or you won’t pay.

If you came across that as the owner of an ecommerce store, you would be enticed to AT LEAST respond to the CTA and hear more about their offer.

And that's the point - to get the conversation going and nurture/qualify them onto a demo call.

Step 3: Building a quality lead list

  1. Get a list of your top 10 brands that you realistically would be able to work with and are within your ICP.

  2. Put them companies into the "Companies" tab in

  3. Look and note their details (employee count, location, keywords, industry)

  4. Got to the people tab and filter out for those specific details.

  5. Make sure you check off "Verified" emails.

  6. Ask ChatGPT who are the decision makers within these companies that take care of email marketing (marketing manager, director of marketing, social media manager, etc.)

  7. Go to Magically Genius Apollo Scraper

  8. Export the leads (you should have at least 10k)

  9. Verify the leads with a verifier like MillionVerifier.

  10. Clean the company name in the Google Sheet to make sure there are noextra words (Lululemon Inc. → Lululemon)

Step 4: Sales Assets/Lead Magnets

By far one of the most important things when working with a competitive offer and in industries where people get pitched multiple times a day.

This should be included within the CTA in your cold email scripts.


  • PERSONALIZED free welcome sequence outline

  • PERSONALIZED free email design


  • PERSONALIZED loom going over the CUSTOM welcome sequence

  • case studies

  • email marketing checklist (lower tier solution)

Notice one thing - I didn't include guides, 50 page breakdowns, strategies, etc Cold email sales assets should be different than twitter giveaway lead magnets.

They need to be personalized and give the person a tangible benefit, not just a long pdf that they won't even skim through.

CTA examples:

Can I send you a personalized welcome sequence outline based off of our proven framework?

Can I send you a personalized video going over the scripts we wrote out for you?

Can I send you a case study on how we add X result to Y company?

Keep in mind, you should always have a few things to offer to these prospects.


You can use it in the lead nurturing process to keep them interested and understand your service more.

Example: they ghost you after you send them a personalized welcome sequence?

→ Ask if they want a loom going over it/case study.

Simple as that - good sales assets are like gold.

Step 5: Write Scripts

Rule 1: Don't sound like a bot.

Rule 2: Short and to the point. First email must be under ~60 words.

Take a look at an example…

Let's say you're reaching out to the co-founder of - Grant Lee.

You already found his contact info and details using Apollo, and now you need to send him an email - but what do you say?

It's quite simple really.

You need to think about it this way:This guy is mega-busy. Managing employees, operations, personal life, etc.


So, we need some sort of pattern interrupt, and to sound as if we aren't just another "cold emailer" in his inbox trying to steal his time & money.

Introduction How's it going, Grant?

Offer Statement/Value Prop: Just say your offer.

Relevant Y/N Question OR CTA To Sales Asset: Can I send you a personalized video going over the scripts we wrote out for you?

Done deal. That's all you need.

You just need to make the cold email relevant to them and not sound spammy.

Lastly, add spintax.

It helps with deliverability and makes your emails vary just a bit.

Spintax is not supposed to be used to split test different angles of change up and email majorly.

It's just supposed to vary the exact words being used in the email, nothing more.

Step 6: Launch Campaign

Input lead list and scripts - press the launch campaign button.

Step 7: OOO Subsequence

An "Out-Of-Office" subsequence retargets people who give you an automatic response that they are out of office and not responding to emails.

Since this sometimes becomes a small amount of your lead list, it is worth doing to make sure that you make the most of your leads.

For an in depth explanation and setup process, go HERE

Step 8: Inbox Management

This is another EXTREMELY important part of your cold outreach success.

I used to take a few hours to respond to prospects.

Later, I started to respond to people ASAP! → responses and booked calls skyrocketed.

Make sure that you get back to your prospects as soon as possible and constantly check the inbox to respond to them with the best possible response.

This part of the process is literally where the calls are booked.

You need to make sure to:

  • not give prices over the email

  • not be too aggressive with the CTA, but every single email you send should have a CTA to move the convo towards a call

  • sound like a human (don't type out paragraphs)

If you ace inbox management, your campaign results will inevitably go up and you'll get more people onto a sales call.

Boom, now you've got sales calls on your calendar.

If you are an email marketer:

  • doing over $5k/month

  • able and willing to invest multiple 4 figures into lead gen

  • have case studies and testimonials

and are looking to:

  • inflate your tax bill

  • get on 15-40 sales calls every month with your dream prospect

  • looking for email marketing only pay for every call you get on (no retainers)

book a time on THIS calendar link below to see how we can work together.

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